Structure and Optimization Measures of Inbound Tourism Industry of Shaanxi Province Research of the Location Entropy Difference of Inbound Tourism Enterprises in Typical Tourism Regions of China 陕西省入境旅游产业结构分析与优化研究中国典型区入境旅游企业区位熵差异分析
The Probe into the Mode of Optimization and Integration of Medical and Health Resources in Urban Regions 城市区域医疗卫生资源优化整合模式探讨
This paper presents a nonlinear programming model with multiple variables and constraints for optimization planning of a dam system in serious soil erosion regions. 应用系统分析技术进行坝系优化规划的研究,建立了一个具有多约束和多变量的非线性规划模型;
Under the criteria of a small mean-square-error and the Buehler-optimization, some characteristics of the prior-parameters are discussed and the suitable regions of prior-parameters given. 文中分别以均方误差尽量小和Buehler准则作为判别估计量θ优劣的尺度,讨论了验前参数的有关性质并给出了确定验前参数取值适合域的方法。
The strategic thinking of the regional development may become a reality through optimization of the strategic industries and development of the priority regions. 区域发展战略思路可以通过战略产业和战略重点区域的优选与发展得以实现。
Constant optimization and improvement of tourism in western regions will play a valuable role in the development of these regions. 不断完善、改进的西部旅游业,将在西部大开发中凸显其特有价值。
This paper poses mathematical models for the optimization management of water resources in different regions of this country and performs some corresponding quantitive analyses for the purpose of providing decision-making means in coordinative development of regional economy and water resource utilization. 为此,本文对不同区域的优化水资源管理建立了相应的数学模型,并做了定性分析,以期能为区域经济与水资源利用的协调发展提供决策手段。
An Investigation of the Optimization Method of Well Diameter in Well irrigated Regions 井灌区井径优化方法探讨
On that basis, it proposes adjustment and optimization of oceanic tourism products in Zhejiang province: ① It frames up oceanic tourism structure of one core, two belts, three centers, four brands and five regions; 在此基础上,提出了浙江省海洋旅游产品调整优化的构想:①构建一二三四五即一核、两带、三中心、四品牌、五区块的海洋旅游格局;
The analysis of TACD can be applied to the optimization of regional tourist attractions, the comparison of the advantages among regions, and the evaluation of the sustainable development of regional tourism. 景区群落多样性分析有助于区域内景区群落优化、区间优势比较及区域旅游可持续发展评价。
The optimization of target regions for the traps in North Sichuan was carried out by use of the methods of fuzzy comprehensive assessment and economic evaluation in the early stage of exploration. 本文采用模糊综合评判和勘探早期经济评价方法对川北地区的圈闭进行靶区优选。
Study on emulsifying agent for heavy oils by uniform design and partition optimization of divied regions 用均匀设计的分区间优化法研究重油乳化剂
By solving an optimization problem LLI can inlay two embeddings of linear regions together. 通过求解最优化问题将两个相邻线性区域的嵌入结果拼接到一起。
And made recommendations for the coordinated development between Xi 'an and the economic hinterland: rational distribution and optimization of regional space functional areas; focus on spatial integration; distinguish different regions stage of development and do reasonable regional economic planning to promote the sustainable economic development. 并提出了口岸城市西安与经济腹地协调发展的建议:合理分布及优化区域空间功能区;注重空间整合;分清不同区域的发展阶段,合理进行区域经济规划,促进经济的可持续发展。
Due to the high gradient regions of eastern coast is facing problems of optimization and adjustment of industrial structure, some mature and decline period of industries will need to be shifted to the central and western regions of low gradient. 东部沿海的高梯度地区面临着产业结构优化、调整的问题,需要将一些处于成熟期、衰退期的产业向中西部的低梯度地区进行转移。
The support of high skilled talents are urgently needed by world economic integration, economic and social transformation, optimization and upgrading of industrial structure, strategy of reinvigorating China through human resource development, and balanced development among regions. 世界经济一体化,我国经济社会转型,产业结构优化升级、人才强国战略实施,区域协调发展都离不开高技能型人才的支撑。
How to enhance the regional higher education quality under the present higher education resources to its optimization and so achieve the relative balance of higher education among regions has been the key point to contemporary higher education development. 如何在既有的高等教育资源条件下使高等教育区域发展达到高效、优化,从而提升区域高等教育质量已经成为当代高等教育发展的关键所在。
Finally, Design recommendations in the form of typology designs and optimization techniques were outlined for application and utilization of the Double-skin climate-adaptive facade design in residential building units within the hot-summer and cold-winter regions. 最后,设计建议以类型学和优化技术为形式,将双层适应性建筑立面应用在夏热冬冷地区的住宅设计之中。
In the stage of network optimization of WCDMA system in a given region, through lots of experiments and repeated comparison, relevant experience and skills are summed up to give a reference to network optimization of WCDMA in other regions. 在对某区域WCDMA系统的网络优化阶段,通过大量的实验,反复的对比,总结出相关的经验技巧,也能给其他区域的WCDMA网络优化做一个参考。
The policy formulation, industrial optimization, legal protection etc. in Development of the West Regions has a positive improvement and achieved good results. 虽然西部大开发战略在政策制定、产业优化、法律保障等方面都有了积极完善,取得了很好的成就。
Equity from people oriented in the field of public transit remand to achieve the rational allocation and optimization of public transit resources, take into account of all the rights of equitable access to public transit resources and the difference among the different people and in different regions. 以人为本的公平性思想,在公交领域就是既要考虑人人公平享有公交资源的权利,又要考虑不同群体、不同地区的差异,两者兼顾来实现公交资源的合理分配和优化。
Among them, reserve target is the basis; the estimation of the scale is the optimization of the scale; the division of responsibility is the optimization of the main body; the adjustment of regions and varieties is the structural optimization. 其中储备目标是根本,规模测算是量的优化,职责划分是主体的优化,区域与品种调整则是结构性优化。
Then, the mathematical model of the beautification is given after analyzing acceptable shape optimization criteria and their intrinsic characteristics of differential geometry. Finally, the local irregularities on the model regions are identified by using shape interrogation methods. 然后,通过分析可接受的形状优化准则及其局部微分几何特性,给出局部美化的数学模型。